Victoria Court Party TV Commercial

Finally, after a year long wait – our VC Party Commercial was approved by the ASC (Ad Standard Council) last June 11, 2012. We had to go back and forth from storyboard to panel judges and back just to see our dream of having a party commercial come true. It was a long and tedious process but… we finally did it. We didn’t give-up, we fought for this. And now, we’re excited to see this come to life.  All our locales have PARTY SUITES and all our locales will benefit from this when it kicks off this July.

Why a party TVC? Why not just a room TVC like before? TV is still the highest rating medium for views/reach today with the Internet coming a close second only. And up until today, I still get perplexed looks from possible clients when I explain that we have thematic partyrooms for any event. So to reach as much viewers as possible with our PARTY CAMPAIGN is our logical next step. We hope that this will cause a buzz for people to open their computers and check our our website, befriend us on FACEBOOK or just follow us on TWITTER or INSTAGRAM.

The team responsible for this AD consists of the industry’s top artists, producers and directors. At the helm is our very own Managing Director Ian King and up & coming director Struan Wallace. Heading the production is Collective Ego, run by actor Troy Montero who was there to carefully oversee each detail of the shoot.

Impressive too was the roster of Models we used to bring this party come to life. We had the best of the best from Front Media Entertainment. Gorgeous and hot models started arriving at promptly 8am. A team of Hairstylists and Make up artists got busy transforming them into society’s party elite.

It was a light, fun and exciting day at Victoria Court Cuneta. Watch out for our Ultimate Party Tv Commercial on Star World, Star Movies, National Geographic and Fox this July!